
Thursday, March 1, 2012

First day MARCH

This week has been CRAZY!  Like that is anything new around 720, but there were a few unexpecteds that put us over the top!  Hopefully next week will be a little more productive and a little less exciting!  Today I am starting something new, First DAYS. Each month I will be posting everyday pics from the first day of that month.  So by the end of the year I should have a really cute glimpse at what exactly our everyday looked like for 2012. 

Hosting this little partaay is Nicole from Journey to...she's one of my fav mommy bloggers AND if we ever went to school together you might recognize her hubs!  LOVE HIM!

So here's our first look at MARCH


  1. I linked up too! I have been meaning to for some time! My son loves that water game. He is constantly stealing my phone to play it!

  2. How cute is your girl!?!? We all need to get together sometime since we live so close!

  3. We eat at Truett's all the time! Love that place!

    Cute rain boots!

  4. I have NEVER seen rain boots like that!! Too cute!

  5. LOVE the rain boots and your little lady is too cute!
